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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 5, June 8th, 1949.

Salient Facts About Technical Books I When you buy technical books remember that we specialize in their selection and importation. We don't stock them just as a sideline. 2 When you need advice on Technical Books remember that we are both willing and qualified to help you. We appreciate your problems. 3 When you want Technical Books in a hurry remember that we get them from all over the world as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Our hand-picked (but not thumb-marked) stock is well worth inspe…

Salient Facts About Technical Books I When you buy technical books remember that we specialize in their selection and importation. We don't stock them just as a sideline. 2 When you need advice on Technical Books remember that we are both willing and qualified to help you. We appreciate your problems. 3 When you want Technical Books in a hurry remember that we get them from all over the world as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Our hand-picked (but not thumb-marked) stock is well worth inspecting. Technical Books Ltd. 11 Walter Street. (Off Vivian Street. Phone 56-101, P.O. Box 318, Te Aro, Wellington Take 4. 6, 7 or 11 tram to Vivian Street. We're next to Relax Building.