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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 16. August 2, 1939

PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAY Let Your Railways Help You How well you know that you would like a holiday—the changes of scene and the escape from routine—the sally into refreshing places—the tonic that will strengthen you for tasks ahead. "Yes, but the cost?" you say. Well, your railways cut the cost of transport. And the railways give 5 per cent, interest on savings for travel by rail. Travel Stamps (1/-. 2/-. 2/6. 5/-) and 10/- vouchers are obtainable at any officered railway station. Save Up for Tri…

PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAY Let Your Railways Help You How well you know that you would like a holiday—the changes of scene and the escape from routine—the sally into refreshing places—the tonic that will strengthen you for tasks ahead. "Yes, but the cost?" you say. Well, your railways cut the cost of transport. And the railways give 5 per cent, interest on savings for travel by rail. Travel Stamps (1/-. 2/-. 2/6. 5/-) and 10/- vouchers are obtainable at any officered railway station. Save Up for Trips by Rail Save Up for Trips by Rail