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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2; No. 6 April 26, 1939

Cappicade 1939 The Greatest Capping Show in the History of Wellington "Adam In Wonderland" Written by Seven Pillars and Produced by Jack Aimers "The Dinkum Oil" Written and Produced by John Carrad "The Vikings" Written by Ronald L. Meek and Produced by Ralph Hogg Grand Opera House Final Performance To-Night! Gorgeous Ballets, Sparkling, Witty Dialogue-Good Clean College Fun Popular Prices: 3/-. 2/3, 1/6. Book At The D.I.C

Cappicade 1939 The Greatest Capping Show in the History of Wellington "Adam In Wonderland" Written by Seven Pillars and Produced by Jack Aimers "The Dinkum Oil" Written and Produced by John Carrad "The Vikings" Written by Ronald L. Meek and Produced by Ralph Hogg Grand Opera House Final Performance To-Night! Gorgeous Ballets, Sparkling, Witty Dialogue-Good Clean College Fun Popular Prices: 3/-. 2/3, 1/6. Book At The D.I.C.