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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 2 March 15, 1939

UNIVERSITY TUTORIAL SCHOOL MASONIC CHAMBERS University-Entrance Examination (Matriculation). Arts and Science Degree Subjects. Educational Courses in Literature and Languages. Engineering—Preliminary and Associate Membership Examinations of the British Engineering Institutions, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Structural. WHOLE-DAY, PART-TIME. OR EVENING COURSES. INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS. G. W. von Zedlitz, m.a. PRINCIPAL Telephone 44-65 I Telephone 44-651

UNIVERSITY TUTORIAL SCHOOL MASONIC CHAMBERS University-Entrance Examination (Matriculation). Arts and Science Degree Subjects. Educational Courses in Literature and Languages. Engineering—Preliminary and Associate Membership Examinations of the British Engineering Institutions, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Structural. WHOLE-DAY, PART-TIME. OR EVENING COURSES. INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS. G. W. von Zedlitz, m.a. PRINCIPAL Telephone 44-65 I Telephone 44-651