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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 4 March 30, 1938

Telephone: 42-050 (4 Lines) The Empire Hotel Management: M> A. CARR Late of Hotel Cargan and Grand Hotel, Auckland Telegram: will, street-Wellington Empires, wellington (Fully Licensed) RENOVATED AND MODERNISED FROM BASEMENT TO ROOF HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM

Telephone: 42-050 (4 Lines) The Empire Hotel Management: M> A. CARR Late of Hotel Cargan and Grand Hotel, Auckland Telegram: will, street-Wellington Empires, wellington (Fully Licensed) RENOVATED AND MODERNISED FROM BASEMENT TO ROOF HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM