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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 3. March 23, 1938

WILLERTON MOTOR ENGINEERING & GARAGE CO. LTD. 60 MOLESWORTH STREET, WELLINGTON Service, Satisfaction and Reliability MOTOR AND GENERAL ENGINEERS Manufacturers of Springs and Spare Parts for all Cars, Salvaging Contractors. Bring it to us—we will quote. PHONES: 42-768, Works - - - - - - 27-605. Night

WILLERTON MOTOR ENGINEERING & GARAGE CO. LTD. 60 MOLESWORTH STREET, WELLINGTON Service, Satisfaction and Reliability MOTOR AND GENERAL ENGINEERS Manufacturers of Springs and Spare Parts for all Cars, Salvaging Contractors. Bring it to us—we will quote. PHONES: 42-768, Works - - - - - - 27-605. Night