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Moko; or Maori Tattooing

Fig. 15.—From life by the Author, showing good nose-marking. — Te Kuha, also known as Te Mea (i.e. Mair) see p.91 Died at Rotorua — June 1901, during the Royal Visit

Fig. 15.—From life by the Author, showing good nose-marking. Te Kuha, also known as Te Mea (i.e. Mair) see p.91 Died at Rotorua June 1901, during the Royal Visit.

Fig. 15.—From life by the Author, showing good nose-marking.
Te Kuha, also known as Te Mea (i.e. Mair) see p.91 Died at Rotorua
June 1901, during the Royal Visit.