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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 9 (December 1, 1939)

This painting is the only known work in New Zealand by Miss Laura Herford who, as “A. L. Herford Esq.” opened the Royal Academy Schools to women eighty years ago. The “motif” for the painting was suggested to Miss Herford when she was visiting New Zealand in 1865

This painting is the only known work in New Zealand by Miss Laura Herford who, as “A. L. Herford Esq.” opened the Royal Academy Schools to women eighty years ago. The “motif” for the painting was suggested to Miss Herford when she was visiting New Zealand in 1865.

This painting is the only known work in New Zealand by Miss Laura Herford who, as “A. L. Herford Esq.” opened the Royal Academy Schools to women eighty years ago. The “motif” for the painting was suggested to Miss Herford when she was visiting New Zealand in 1865.