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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 4 (August 1, 1932)

New Zealand Railways Staff Division — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — (1) Mr. A. Urquhart, Staff Superintendent; (2) Divisional Clerks—Mr. J. A. Martin, Senior Clerk), Messrs. A. F. Taylor (left) and L. G. Shepherd; (3) Mr. G. L. Anderson, Staff Assistant; (4) General Office—Classification and Posting Sections; (5) A section of the modern card index system Location cards; (6) Typistes' Office—Miss B. R. McQueen (standing), Lady Supervisor; (7) Inquiry Office and Employment Section

New Zealand Railways Staff Division (Rly. Publicity photos.) (1) Mr. A. Urquhart, Staff Superintendent; (2) Divisional Clerks—Mr. J. A. Martin, Senior Clerk), Messrs. A. F. Taylor (left) and L. G. Shepherd; (3) Mr. G. L. Anderson, Staff Assistant; (4) General Office—Classification and Posting Sections; (5) A section of the modern card index system Location cards; (6) Typistes' Office—Miss B. R. McQueen (standing), Lady Supervisor; (7) Inquiry Office and Employment Section.

New Zealand Railways Staff Division
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
(1) Mr. A. Urquhart, Staff Superintendent; (2) Divisional Clerks—Mr. J. A. Martin, Senior Clerk[gap — reason: illegible]), Messrs. A. F. Taylor (left) and L. G. Shepherd; (3) Mr. G. L. Anderson, Staff Assistant; (4) General Office—Classification and Posting Sections; (5) A section of the modern card index system Location cards; (6) Typistes' Office—Miss B. R. McQueen (standing), Lady Supervisor; (7) Inquiry Office and Employment Section.