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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 9 (January 1, 1930)

Hunting The Wily Toheroa. — (Rly. Publicity photo.) — Top: Gathering for the hunt at Kaitaia. Centre: Discovering the biting end. Below: Though many dig, America gets the gallery—Julian B. Foster (United States Trade Commissioner) digging for toheroa on the 90-mile Beach

Hunting The Wily Toheroa. (Rly. Publicity photo.) Top: Gathering for the hunt at Kaitaia. Centre: Discovering the biting end. Below: Though many dig, America gets the gallery—Julian B. Foster (United States Trade Commissioner) digging for toheroa on the 90-mile Beach.

Hunting The Wily Toheroa.
(Rly. Publicity photo.)
Top: Gathering for the hunt at Kaitaia. Centre: Discovering the biting end. Below: Though many dig, America gets the gallery—Julian B. Foster (United States Trade Commissioner) digging for toheroa on the 90-mile Beach.