Title: Exotic Intruders

Author: Joan Druett

Publication details: Heinemann, 1983, Auckland

Digital publication kindly authorised by: Joan Druett

Part of: New Zealand Texts Collection

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Exotic Intruders

The snake in the centre jar is a very small specimen of the banded sea snake species which visits New Zealand reasonably frequently. It is very poisonous but not at all aggressive. The quarantine service in Northland came to hear of a 'bloke with a pet snake'; when they investigated they found he had picked up one of these snakes, and had been carrying it around for weeks as a curiosity. When he was informed that it was venomous he was quite pleased to give it up. Despite its remarkably placid …

The snake in the centre jar is a very small specimen of the banded sea snake species which visits New Zealand reasonably frequently. It is very poisonous but not at all aggressive. The quarantine service in Northland came to hear of a 'bloke with a pet snake'; when they investigated they found he had picked up one of these snakes, and had been carrying it around for weeks as a curiosity. When he was informed that it was venomous he was quite pleased to give it up. Despite its remarkably placid nature, this snake finished up the same way as the other two accidental snakes in this picture: in a jar.

The snake in the centre jar is a very small specimen of the banded sea snake species which visits New Zealand reasonably frequently. It is very poisonous but not at all aggressive. The quarantine service in Northland came to hear of a 'bloke with a pet snake'; when they investigated they found he had picked up one of these snakes, and had been carrying it around for weeks as a curiosity. When he was informed that it was venomous he was quite pleased to give it up. Despite its remarkably placid nature, this snake finished up the same way as the other two accidental snakes in this picture: in a jar.