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Victoria College Student's Carnival 1903

THE SCOULAR COMPANY, LTD COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 197 & 199 Lambton Quay. ARTISTIC FURNITURE — -IN- Chippendale Suite and Cabinets Inlaid Suites in Dark Mahogany Quaint Arm Chairs Green Ash Drawing-room Suites Louis Mahogany Suites and Cabinets Antique Carved Oak Rug Chests Hall Chairs Hall Stands Hall Settles Dining-room Chairs and Sideboards Octagon and Square Tables 1S. in the £ DISCOUNT off all Cash Purchases

THE SCOULAR COMPANY, LTD COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 197 & 199 Lambton Quay. ARTISTIC FURNITURE — -IN- Chippendale Suite and Cabinets Inlaid Suites in Dark Mahogany Quaint Arm Chairs Green Ash Drawing-room Suites Louis Mahogany Suites and Cabinets Antique Carved Oak Rug Chests Hall Chairs Hall Stands Hall Settles Dining-room Chairs and Sideboards Octagon and Square Tables 1S. in the £ DISCOUNT off all Cash Purchases.