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Tuatara: Volume 31, Issue 1, July 1991

Fig. 3. Principal species involved in the sucession after fires at Lake Pounui. All species with > 1% S%CS at any age are included. ========: species > 2% S%CS. ========: species < 2% S%CS, or present in the quadrats without being intercepted. The S%CS values for Nothofagus are included. This diagram shows an Intermediate successional model (Bray, 1989), with some inhibition, but only of understorey species, at 90 years

Fig. 3. Principal species involved in the sucession after fires at Lake Pounui. All species with > 1% S%CS at any age are included. ========: species > 2% S%CS. ========: species < 2% S%CS, or present in the quadrats without being intercepted. The S%CS values for Nothofagus are included. This diagram shows an Intermediate successional model (Bray, 1989), with some inhibition, but only of understorey species, at 90 years.

Fig. 3. Principal species involved in the sucession after fires at Lake Pounui. All species with > 1% S%CS at any age are included. ========: species > 2% S%CS. ========: species < 2% S%CS, or present in the quadrats without being intercepted. The S%CS values for Nothofagus are included. This diagram shows an Intermediate successional model (Bray, 1989), with some inhibition, but only of understorey species, at 90 years.