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The Stone Implements of the Maori

Plate XIV — Fig. 57. Thickness, 3 in; width, 2½ in. (77 × 64); 2¾ in. Diorite. P. 273. — Fig. 89. Length, 11½in.; width, 4⅝ in. (292 × 116); thickness, 1⅝ in.; 4 lb. Aphanite. P. 302. — Fig. 94. Length, 13½ in; width, 3⅝ in. (344 × 93); thickness, 1⅞ in. Cast. P. 305. — Fig. 96. Length, 13¼in.; thickness, 3½in. (337 × 90); width, 3 in.; 7½lb. P. 307

Photo of stone tools

Plate XIV
Fig. 57. Thickness, 3 in; width, 2½ in. (77 × 64); 2¾ in. Diorite. P. 273.
Fig. 89. Length, 11½in.; width, 4⅝ in. (292 × 116); thickness, 1⅝ in.; 4 lb. Aphanite. P. 302.
Fig. 94. Length, 13½ in; width, 3⅝ in. (344 × 93); thickness, 1⅞ in. Cast. P. 305.
Fig. 96. Length, 13¼in.; thickness, 3½in. (337 × 90); width, 3 in.; 7½lb. P. 307.