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The Journal of Edward Ward 1850-51

Tuesday, December 24th

Tuesday, December 24th

The first thing I did this morning before Christmas Day, was what would surprise people at home to be told—to bathe at half past five in the morning. We roused up from our tent-sleep at half past four, and began work vigorously excavating and sodding—then bathe—then sixpenny loaf-and then work again. The men came early and we worked hard all day and got the four walls nearly level to the proper height. News came that the provision was to be stopped at once for cuddy and steerage, so I engaged a lodging for the people on shore, and began arrangements with the Captain for provisioning ourselves, so that we might have board and lodging on the ship at ease. Fisher set off for the Plains today in the boat he bought from Torlesse, but was driven on shore page 94down the bay, and had to put back after landing half his goods on the naked surfy beach. He is awfully down in the mouth about it. Mr Barker sent his first load this morning and goes forward to Christchurch to meet it.