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New Zealand: Acts affecting Native Lands, 1886, 1888-91 and 1894-95

Introduction of Sheep From Australasia

Introduction of Sheep From Australasia.

40. Restrictions in landing sheep from Australasian Colonies.

Every person who himself, or by means of any agent or servant, lands or causes to be landed in any district from any ship, boat, or other vessel coming from any of the Australasian Colonies, other than New Zealand, any sheep whatever, unless such person has received a declaration from the owner of such sheep, and a certificate by an Inspector of Stock, or a qualified veterinary surgeon at the port from which such sheep were shipped, that they are not infected, and page 13had not during the next preceding twelve months been infected, and that they are from a colony in which scab does not exist and has not existed within the next preceding two years, is liable to a penalty of one hundred pounds; and for every day during which such sheep so landed in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be driven, depastured, or suffered to stray within any district, the owner thereof shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds.

The aforesaid declaration and certificate may be lodged with the Inspector of the district in which the sheep were landed, and if not so lodged shall, at any time within six months after the date thereof, be produced by the owner of such sheep to any Inspector, Justice of the Peace, constable, or sheepowner demanding the same, under a penalty of five pounds.

41.Penalty on master of vessel landing sheep. Every master, owner, or supercargo of any ship, boat, or other vessel who permits any sheep brought from any of the Australasian Colonies, other than New Zealand, to be landed therefrom without the written permission of an Inspector, is liable to a penalty of one hundred pounds.
42.Governor may relax restrictions. The Governor from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted,—
(1.)May suspend the operation of section forty, in respect of vessels arriving from any one or more of the Australasian Colonies aforesaid, and for such time as he shall think fit, and may at any time revoke or alter any such Order in Council, either in part or in whole, with respect to any of such colonies;
(2.)May make, alter, or revoke regulations prescribing the conditions upon which sheep brought from any of the Australasian Colonies other than New Zealand may be landed within any part of New Zealand, and any such regulations may be made to apply to any vessel, and the master or owner thereof bringing sheep from any of such Australasian Colonies as aforesaid for the purpose of being landed as aforesaid; and also any such regulations may provide penalties, not exceeding one hundred pounds, for any breach thereof.

Nothing contained in section forty or in any Order in Council under this section, shall be construed to amend, limit, annul, or supersede any Proclamation, or Order in Council made or to be made at any time by the Governor under The Diseased Cattle Act, 1881.