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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

No. 15. — Mr. Surveyor Sinclair to the Chief Commissioner

No. 15.
Mr. Surveyor Sinclair to the Chief Commissioner.

Mercury Bay.—Completion of Surveys in that District. Coromandel, 7th February, 1859.


I have the honor to report to you, for the information of the Government, that I have now returned to Coromandel, having surveyed and marked out the whole of the land at present offered for sale by the Natives in the Mercury Bay District, which is comprised in five blocks, containing together about 20,000 acres.

page 307

The only work now before me is to survey a small block of land near Waiau, containing about 300 acres, and to prepare plans of eleven blocks of land for the information of Mr. Preece.

May I therefore request that I may be duly authorized to return to Auckland to prepare finished plans of the above mentioned surveys for the use of the Government.

I have, &c.,

Andrew Sinclair,
Government Surveyor.

The Chief Commissioner, Native Land Department, Auckland.