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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 84

Constitution of the New Zealand women;s Christian Temperance Union

Constitution of the New Zealand women;s Christian Temperance Union.

Article I.

The name of the Association shall be "The New Zealand Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Article II.—Object.

The object of this Association is to form a Union or Federation of the Women's Christian Temperance Societies throughout New Zealand, and to promote the formation of others; in the belief that by combined effort, and united forces and funds, much greater work can, with the blessing of God, be effected in extending the cause of Temperance and the ultimate suppression of the liquor traffic, thus conducing to the moral and religious elevation of the people.

Article III.—Annual Convention.

The Annual Convention shall be composed of the Executive Committee, the District Corresponding and Recording Secretaries and Treasurers, the N.Z. Superintendents of Departments, the Editor and Publisher of our official organ, and one or more delegates from every local Union.

Article IV.—Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, one Vice-President from each District, (the District Presidents form the Vice-Presidents of the Executive Committee,) a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer. The General Officers with Vice-Presidents of organised Districts constitute the Executive Committee, to control and provide for the general interests of the Union, of whom seven shall form a quorum.

Article V.—Convention.

The Convention, at which Officers shall be elected, shall be held annually in the month of February, at such place as may be determined at previous Convention.

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Article VI.—Election of Officers.

That the election of Officers shall always be by ballot, and for this, delegates only may vote; other voting shall be by show of cards, except when one-fifth of the members present desire a ballot, when the vote shall be so taken. The Officers, with the exception of Vice-Presidents, shall be elected on the morning of the last day of the Convention. The Executive Committee shall nominate the N.Z. Superintendents of Departments and Special Committees, and shall be the Business Committee of the Convention.

Article VII.—Finance.

Each local Union, out of its membership fees, shall pay annually to the N.Z. Fund sixpence (6d.) per member.

Article VIII.—Basis of Representation to Convention.

Each Union, consisting of 100, or less, members, may send one (1) delegate to the Convention, and an additional delegate for each additional two hundred (200) members. General Officers, and New Zealand Superintendents of Departments, shall vote in person. Officers of Districts should also vote in person; if unavoidably absent, their delegate may cast their vote.

Whenever the only representative present is a General Officer, she may cast the entire vote to which her district is entitled.

Article IX.—Notices.

All documents and announcements from the N.Z. Union shall be sent to the District Corresponding Secretaries through the N.Z. Recording Secretary. The expenses for postage and stationery, &c., shall be borne by the Union.

Article X.—Amending Constitution.

This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Convention, provided notice has been given at the previous Convention; but any Resolution which does not necessitate an alteration of the Constitution, may be styled a By-law, and printed at the end of the Constitution.

That all local Unions be allowed to nominate Officers of the Executive; such nomination to be sent to the Recording Secretary two months before the Convention, and by her be conveyed to the Corresponding Secretary of each District.

Article XI.—Duties of Officers.

Sec. 1. President.—The President may, through the Recording Secretary, call special meetings of the Executive Committee when she may deem it necessary, or in response to page 7 the written request of any seven members of the Executive Committee; and shall perform all other duties usual to such office.

Sec. 2. Corresponding Secretary.—It shall be her duty to send to each District Corresponding Secretary, at least two months before the Annual Convention, a blank form, for her report of that District for the current year, the District Corresponding Secretary to supply local Unions in her District with blank forms for that purpose. She shall then collate from such reports her own Annual Report.

Sec. 8. Recording Secretary.—She shall attend all meetings of the N.Z. Union and Executive Committee, and keep correct reports of their proceedings. She shall send to each member of the Executive Committee (who shall send a copy to the Secretary of each local Union in her district) a proper notice of each meeting, and designate in said notice the topics which are to be especially considered at the meeting. She shall apprise members of Committee of their appointments. At the first session of the Annual Meeting, she shall read the minutes of all sessions of the Executive Committee since last Annual Meeting; and shall perform all other duties pertaining to that office.

Sec. 4. Treasurer.—It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies due to the N.Z. Fund, and to keep accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and to present a detailed report thereof to each Annual Meeting. She shall pay no bills, except on an order signed by the President and Recording Secretary. The fiscal year shall terminate one week previous to the Annual Meeting, when the books shall be closed.

Article XII.—Department of Work.

If the demands of the work justify it, there shall be the following departments of work :—Evangelistic work, Franchise and Legislation, Temperance Literature, Influencing the Press, Band of Hope work, Sunday-School work, Work among Young Women, Young Women's work, Prison and Jail work, Social Purity, Heredity, Hygiene, Statistics, Unfermented Wine, Inebriate Homes, Scientific Instruction, Drawing-room Meetings, and such other like work as recommended by the New Zealand Union, or as the needs of localities seem to call for.


Before commencing the business of the Convention, a Committee shall be appointed to attend to the courtesies of the Convention, to whom shall be referred all introductions.

The following Committees shall also be appointed on the first day of the Annual Meeting :—On Credentials, on Finance, on Resolutions, and on Plan of Work for ensuing year. The last two to consist of one Delegate from each district, chosen by the delegation of her district.