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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 28

Note XV.—(Thr. 23,1)

Note XV.—(Thr. 23,1).

Cf.—The First Lay of Helgi (Elder Edda) 5, 2.

Cf.—Frà Helga, 5, 1 (Elder Edda); "gullhyrndar kyr fra grams bui." So in the Saga of Gautrekr and Hrolfr it is related that the Peasant Reimr possessed a precious thing, which he prized more than all else, to wit, a great horned ox, whose horns were inlaid with gold and silver, and between them a silver chain, whereon three gold rings hung. Grimm thinks the gold-horned oxen to have, been sacrificial offerings. (Lieder der Alt. Ed. 29.)