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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 12. May 29 1978

Dear Simon,

I was most concerned to read your editorial last week, (Salient, 22 May).

I criticise this paper for lack of fairness. It's objectivity is probably in question as well. You said,...."objectivity is gained by an analysis of a given situation taking account of all the factors which materially affect it." Unfortunately, you don't care to mention such objectivity is yours, your choice of all factors rather than mine.

I don't care if you admit your value system while the daily press does not.

It doesn't alter the fact that Salient is The student newspaper and I think if you won't print only articles in line with policy (dearly not on), that you print all opinions in any conflict of views rather than just your own.

Equal access to publication is the principle.

Nearly 7000 students pay to receive Salient and surely their views should be represented on an equal basis to those of Salient staff.

Salient may have a different understanding of any term but it is clear the majority of students are dis-satisfied with Salient in general.

No-one denies Salient should have a social conscience but not at the exclusion of all student points of view. Simon, you can write editorials till you are tired of writing....your credibility is low.


Gary Lewis.