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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 12. May 29 1978

Sport — Karate on Kampus


Karate on Kampus

Victoria is fortunate in having two Karate klubs on kampus. In recent years the Western World has shown a greater interest in the Eastern Martial Arts. This has been reflected in the continued growth and development of both our klubs. Both are reputable clubs of long standing, with instructors who are recognised in Japan.

One of the clubs, known simply as the VUW Karate Klub, is under the joint tuition of John MacDonald and Bob McCallum. Both of these hold the ranl of third dan black belt in the Lyokushinkai style. This is a style of Karate known not only for its clean precise techniques, but also for the stamina of its exponents.

In their own words, these instructors offer "no-nonsense training, regular and proper gradings, and extensive well-balanced Karate training.' As well as this the club has been running anti-rape seminars for all female university students. These have been well attended and it is understood that more of these will be held in the future.

Also Bob McCallum is an acknowledged expert in the use of the nunchaku and accordingly teaches this art to those students who have exhibited the necessary discipline required for weapon training. Anybody interested in joining this club should contact the secretary, Robyn Luse ph 724—746.

The other club on campus, the VUW Rembuden Martial Arts Club, is the varsity branch of The Rembuden Institute of Martial Arts. As such members of the varsity branch enjoy full membership privileges of the main training hall at 168A Riddoford St., Newtown. Membership includes use of weight training facilities and sauna and plunge pool, private use of the training hall, annual seminars under Higaonna Morio 7th Dan, (Top world exponent of Okinawan Goju-Ryu) and summer and winter training camps. Inc. Director of Rembuden is John Jarvis who holds twelve black belts in Karate, laido, Jodo, and Tanjo.

Rembuden offers instruction in Karate (Okinawan Goju Ryu Style), Kendo (Japanese fencing using bamboo swords and armour), Iado (Defensive Swordsmanship), and Jodo (staff fighting).

Rembuden practice the Okinawan Goju Style of Karate. The strength of this style is that it is a complete fighting system whose exponents are noted for their speed, strength and effective technique. Well known figures in world karate who have sought instruction in this style include Chuck Norris, Mike Stone, Joe Lewis and Everett Eddy,

Anyone wishing to know further details contact Leo Donnelly (ph. 893—423).