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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 19. August 1 1977

Catch 22 : Wednesday 2.15 pm

Catch 22 : Wednesday 2.15 pm

Joseph Heller's best-selling novel makes a slightly disappointing film for those who read it first. The device of using each chapter to introduce a new 1st-person protagonist is lost, while much of the complexity is rendered obtuse. On the other hand, many who come to the book second find the film superior. At any event, Catch-22 is one of the more important anti-war films, worth seeing for this, and for the work of its cast [including Alan Arkin, Martin Balsam, Richard Benjamin, Bob Ncwhart, Jon Voight and Orson Welles]. Directed by Mike Nichols, [1970].