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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 18, July 26, 1976.

Round Three

Round Three

Student members on Faculty moved a committee to investigate into the Economics Department in late 1973. This committee reported back in March 1974."It seriously attacked the professors and university administrators, and recommended political economy courses at all four levels of the degree. It also suggested that the only suitable way of running these courses was in a separate Department of Political Economy.

From the acceptance of this report by the Faculty, a long bureaucratic struggle ensued. Again the tactics of coordinated 'proper channel' action and student demonstrations (including a Day of Outrage on the anniversary of the Day of Protest) were used. Again they worked, this time even better.

Courses in Political Economy at stages one and two were set up, but the Vice Chancellor (who is himself an orthodox page 15 economist) refused to have anything to do with a seperate Department. The intransigent professors grudgingly agreed to the compromise. Round three a qualified victory to the masses.