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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 14, 5 July 1976.

MSA Awaits its AGM

MSA Awaits its AGM

Dear Sir,

Following up the letter by "a supporter of MSA" (Salient 21 June 1976). it's certainly time for those so-called "progressive leaders" to show their true colour. The coming AGM will be a good opportunity for them to act in the interest of the MSA members and the society they come from

So far, we have seen only "pseudo progressive spokesmen" except probably R. Pui. One good example was the last minute back out by one so-claimed progressive element when he was included in a delegation by the members in a SGM to present a petition to the late Prime Minister of Malaysia during his visit to New Zealand.

We have had enough of such fiasco and unless they show themselves to be genuinely interested in their beliefs and MSA (one good way is to stand for election this year!) we will have to discard them as "shits" and accept the traditional leadership of the Association.

Yours sincerely,

Big Talk but No Action.