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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 14, 5 July 1976.

Malaysian High Commission Objection

Malaysian High Commission Objection

Dear Sir,

Being residents near Khandallah, we wish to add further to the current objections to the siting of the Malaysian High Commission building there.

It is a proven fact that Malaysians do dry their clothes from their windows and cook; putrid smelling foods, at all hours in fact. This can easily be ascertained if any of us care to visit Malaysian student flats.

Although they may be representatives of their country we fear that they may not have yet cast aside their slum dwelling habits which may bring our area into disrepute and lower the value of our properties. We have visited Malaysia for a week last year and have come away with a totally different image from what have been said about it by other New Zealanders in the press.

Malaysia is a beautiful country, but we could see that in our short stay, that is has been spoilt by the people there. These people have no respect for modern conveniences and don't care about beautifying their country. They defecate into the rivers, or open WCs and into ponds where they keep fishes for the market. You can see slums in all the cities. Spitting is a commonplace sight. Drug addicts and prostitutes abound. And one can hardly walk down the city streets without being accosted by youngsters shamlessly begging.

They are also prone to violence. While we were there thousands of violent demonstrating students fought with their police on the pretext that their government was not helping the poor. We got the impression that they could not govern themselves.

Finally, we wish to express our fears that our pet dogs and cats may disappear since it is Known that Malaysians treat them as delicacies called "satay". We therefore object to having the High Commission building in Khandallah for these reasons.

Worried students.