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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 10. 1966.

[Duncan Stout retirement]

Sir Duncan Stout. CBE. DSO. FRCS. MS. Hon. LLD, Chancellor of Victoria University, retired from his post at the last council meeting. Sir Duncan, who first served on the University Council in 1923. is pictured here at one of his last official functions. Dr. P. P. Lynch is the new chancellor. The new prochancellor is Mr. R. S. V. Simpson.

Sir Duncan Stout. CBE. DSO. FRCS. MS. Hon. LLD, Chancellor of Victoria University, retired from his post at the last council meeting. Sir Duncan, who first served on the University Council in 1923. is pictured here at one of his last official functions. Dr. P. P. Lynch is the new chancellor. The new prochancellor is Mr. R. S. V. Simpson.