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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 10. 1966.

Appeal here for guns for Viet Cong? — Mystery pamphlet

Appeal here for guns for Viet Cong?

Mystery pamphlet

University And Student administrators have acted rapidly to stop a purported attempt to collect money to buy guns, food and medicine for the Viet Cong.

A Pamphlet calling for this was circulated last week. It asks intending donators to send money to the "World Affairs Council." Po Box 196, Wellington — the university's mail address.

But Any Mail sent to this address will be returned to senders by the university.

Whether the pamphlet is a valid attempt to collect money for the purpose or a clumsy attempt to produce a backlash of publicity against Vietnam protest groups is not clear.

But copies have been handed about and pinned to noticeboards over the past week.

Not known

Top university administration men have assured the students association that no organisation under the name of the "World Affairs Council" is known to the university mail service.

And an organisation of this name—a responsible student club—became defunct three years ago.

Spokesmen for protest groups have told Salient they have not heard of the scheme.

Yet the pamphlet, headed "Weekly Newsletter No. 1." claims £15 has already been collected and gives details of donations totalling £8/15/-.


"Some time ago a number of people decided that some definite action and commitment was required from all those opposed to the Vietnam War." say the pamphlets anonymous authors.

"Towards this end a society has been formed whose aim is to help the Vietnam people throw off the yoke of foreign oppression and imperialism.

"We feel that by making financial contributions to the NLF we can assist the Vietnam people in their heroic struggle against American, imperialism.

"It is not enough to stand idly outside Parliament uselessly protesting. The people of Vietnam want guns, food and medicine which your money can help provide. Your money can help end foreign oppression."

Students association president John McGrath. asked to comment, says he is puzzled how any person seriously trying to raise funds could think they would be forwarded through the university.

But he says his investigations have shown that the pamphlet is a serious one, involving a few students.

However, neither Mr. McGrath nor Salient has been able to trace any of the persons involved.

Included in the list of donations is "P.T. VUW 10. -," and "R.S. AU £1."

The pamphlet says that the group has applied to the Reserve Bank for a permit to remit funds overseas — but doesn't expect to get it.

Accordingly, it says it will remit funds to a Hong Kong group by using the British postal note system. The group will forward the money to the Vietnamese.

The pamphlet also reports a message of congratulation received from Juan Hernandos, of the Cuban Students' Revolutionary Party.

Says the pamphlet: "In fact he says 'we commend you in your glorious stand against American Imperialism in Vietnam.' We are not alone! Every worker in the free world supports us. Do You?"

At the same time, chalked slogans have appeared at the university: "Aid the NLF" and similar slogans.