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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 3. 1964.

Extrav Seems Promising

Extrav Seems Promising

It seemed at the beginning of term that there would be no Extravaganza this year. However, on Friday, March 13, the deadline set by the Executive for a script, producer and business manager, a script written by David Flude was handed in. Jeremy Agar agreed to produce the show and a complete Production Staff offered their services.

The script is somewhat of a breakaway from the old traditional Extrav's, which dealt mainly with New Zealand politics, Holysmoke and all that gang are kept fairly well out of the picture. Woven into a tight plot there are comments on the world, the Profumo affair, the British election, the oil companies, television, the arms race, the Beatles, the world heavyweight boxing title holder—Mr. X—and the efficiency of the New Zealand Police. In fact, it promises to be one of the brightest shows in years.

The producer, Jeremy Agar, is spending his first year at Victoria. He is doing Political Science honours. In Christchurch, his home town, he gained considerable experience in the Capping Review' there. He has also written and produced his own play.

The show will be produced in the Little Theatre, with a budget of around about £600. This means that although the show will not have the money-making potential that a larger show produced for the Opera House would have, by the same token it will not have the money-losing potential which last year's show exhibited—to the disgust of many students. It should be possible for the show to make a small but comfortable profit. Those organising feel sure that this will be the case.

By the time that this goes to print the cast will have been called for and production will be underway. If enthusiastic talented people come forward there is every reason to believe that this year's show will be successful.

The principals of last year's Extravaganza.

The principals of last year's Extravaganza.