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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

Everard Debunked

Everard Debunked

Sir,—If I knew Arthur Everard, and he were standing fact to face with me—I could only say to him, "Why do you sleep in good movies?"

After reading his review on Orfeu Negro (Black Orpheus) the above thought is constantly on my mind.

Mr. Everard, seems to know quite a bit about the parallel plot, the Greek mythology, attached to the film but I feel he has forgotten most of it, as connected with the film.

The movie was extremely beautiful and moving as a portrait of the Greek drama in "modern dress'; if he had kept this more in his mind I think he would have enjoyed and appreciated the film as much as the rest of Wellington.

Victory at Sea

I feel Mr. Everard also lost his way hunting for the message Victory At Sea, was as he thoughrt, supposed to have had.

I understand and appreciate the film more, I think, than Mr. Everard; having seen the Tv production and the film. The Tv production I might add ran for a period of 52 hours. Of course the film could not run the hour it did without losing 50 subjects it previously had; but to say Victory At Sea is a war film is an understatement—it is a documented history of those times—most of us, including Mr. Everard, were too young to fear or hold ideals about.

A documented history, a small part of the life of our world; which in a hundred years will prove to be more valuable than the words spoken about it.

As for music—I ask Mr. Everard, to buy the complete recording, and listen more closely to it than he did in the film.

An open mind is all that is required.—I am, etc.,
