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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

The Rebel

The Rebel

Representing the under-privileged section of the community, Mr. Eddie Isbey, Auckland trade unionist, made an eloquent appeal for a belter understanding of the workers' position in the community and the need for continued improvement in his 'lot.

Mr. Isbey sympathetically treated of the history of trade unionism in New Zealand—a revelation to most of those present. That New Zealand workers should have petitioned the Government of Australia, and even of that of the United States, to enable them to emigrate thither may well amaze us today. The murder of Timothy Evans at Waihi in 1911 indicated the tremendous struggle trade unionists have had in the past. Nineteen hundred and fiftyone points to a past far from distant.

"And while you're there Guanelon give Marsilie my beat rearguards."

"And while you're there Guanelon give Marsilie my beat rearguards."