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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

Miniature Riflf. Club

Miniature Riflf. Club

Captain: W. I. Hoggard (Phone 73-291 home, 49-620 business).

Secretary: R. J. Bradburn (Phone Eastbourne 7190 home, 69-182 business).

Girls—try a New Sport

Did you know that 25 per cent, of our members are Girls? Most of the V.U.W. team which won the Wellington C grade Interclub Championship Shield and the Wright Cup were girls. In past years girls have been among our top shooters, and have very successfully represented Vic. at Winter Tournaments. So, girls, come along and see if you too can make the Tournament team. Shooting is not difficult and does not require great physical strength—just a steady hand and a good eye.

New Members Wanted

During the past season our club members won the Wellington A grade Open, Wellington A grade Closed, Wellington C grade Open and Wanganui C grade Open Championships—as well as gaining numerous places in various representative teams. If the club is to continue its run of successes this year, we must find new members to fill the places in our teams. Why don't you give it a try? If you have never shot before you may surprise yourself—discover hitherto unknown talents! All you need to do is Bring Yourself. The Club is well equipped with riflles and other gear, and expert coaching by some of Wellington's best shooters is available Free.

Note these Dates and Places

(1) Monday, 12th March, 1962, 8 p.m., Students' Union Building, Annual General Meeting.

The meeting and election of officers will be followed by "J.D. Goes Hunting", 'Sky High in N.Z.", 'The Legend Of The Birds". All three are in colour and are about New Zealand bush and mountains. Supper will be served after the films.

(2) Monday, 19th March, 1962, 7.30 p.m., Basement, Winter Show Buildings, Opening Night.

Shooting begins this night and will continue regularly on Monday nights until October. The range is in the basement of the Show Buildings, and the entrance is on the uphill side of the newly completed Entrance Hall. And there is always plenty to do while you wait between shoots. You can play darts or quoits, talk shop with the experts, or even practice your table tennis. Supper is served each evening. Remember, all you need to do is to Bring Your-Self.