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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

Holland Africa Students' Friendship Circle

Holland Africa Students' Friendship Circle

From November 1961 till April 1962, a group of fourteen Netherlands' University students is making a tour through Central-Africa. It is their wish to meet the African people in their own environment and to exchange ideas and views with their African colleagues at some Universities. Impressed as they are by the many misunderstandings causing so many world-wide problems, the students will try to acquire knowledge and insight into the problems of the young countries in order to evaluate the share in their development which they could influence.

There is deep belief among the young university generation in Holland, that thinking and handling should be guided by the wish to share the future together. To get an answer to common problems it is a prime requisite to understand what is happening in other parts of the world. An open mind and a warm atmosphere will help the members of the group to gain an unbiased outlook of the state of affairs as well as the experience of new values.

The cultural object of the tour did win Netherlands' and European institutions and firms to take part in the budget.

The group comprises students in the faculties of medicine, law, biology, sciences, tropical agriculture, psychology, sociology, dentistry and geology from the universities of Utrecht, Leiden, Groningen and Wageningen.

The journey will be made with three Daf lorries, 20cwt., specially equipped to cover 6000 miles from Port Sudan to Dakar. Visits will be paid to the universities in Khartoum, Kampala, Nsukka, Ibadan, Accra, Abidjan and Dakar and to the institutions of secondary education in the Chad, Cameroun, Dahomey, Togo and Mali.