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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

[Little Congress]

The final arrangements for "Little Congress" are now made. All that is needed is people: students. Registration should be made now because there is only room for 120, unless we put up tents. It is worth coming, for this is a rare opportunity in the University year: an opportunity for students, especially Freshers, to meet in an informal atmosphere and talk. They talk over the meal table, in the meal queues, after, before and during the three talks in the programme. There is an excellent gramophone: bring any records you feel are worth dancing or listening to.

"Little Congress" is being held at the Otaki City Mission Camp over the weekend 23rd-25th March. There are huts (four or six bunks) for sleeping in; a large dining hall and table tennis tables also; another large room with a variety of chairs, couches and the floor if you miss out for the talks and everything else. The river runs past the camp: you can go walking or swimming, and the whole camp is spacious and pleasant. The organised programme will be:

Friday, 7 p.m.: Trucks leave wharves side of Wellington Railway Station. Arrive approx. 9 p.m. Supper and your own entertainment. Anyone prepared to lead the singing?

Saturday Morning: Talk by J. McCreary (Social Science department) on "The Future of the Maori in New Zealand."

Saturday Afternoon: Talk by J. Ritchie on "Psychology and International Affairs" (cold war propaganda, nuclear disarmament, etc.) until about 4.30 p.m. Rest of afternoon free.

Saturday Evening: Panel discussion on any questions handed in: one of the most important events on the weekend.

Sunday Morning: Time to go to church, if you wish. 10.30 a.m. (approx.): Rev. Ormond Burton (Methodist, pacifist and still fighting) on "The Church in Present Society."

Sunday Afternoon: Any further meetings you want. Leave about 4 p.m.

Registration forms can be collected at the Student Association office, opposite the cafeteria in the S.U.B. They must be in no later than Friday, 16th March. If you want to know more, ask at the office or ring or hunt me down. I am al Varsity all day: the cafeteria, office, possibly the library. Whatever you are doing, don't miss "Little Congress."

One strange aspect of this incident was that those who were responsible for the defeat of the only remit dealing with a working-class affair were the same students who raised the hammer and sickle on the ferry. The final blow came when their leader, after the grog had been cut out, produced a bottle of whisky and offered nips to those who sang, danced, or told funny jokes to his satisfaction. The fifth competitor arose and said: "Who next to prostitute himself to god for a glass of whisky?" There the farce ended.