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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 4. March 23rd, 1950



The Harrier Club needs freshers and others who have until now been running for outside clubs to swell its ranks this year. You do not have to be a first class runner to spend your Saturday afternoon with us. You need not be afraid that an over enthusiastic secretary will push" any work on your shoulders. The club's standing is second in the province and those who will want to run seriously shall have every encouragement and training. The Winter Tournament in Dunedin is our goal and training will be done on lines worked out by Bob Hunt an ex-O.U. captain who was with the club last year. To those whose tastes are social and convivial we can offer our invitation runs and further social enjoyment to be had in the lower grades of football. Watch the notice board for the date of our first run—probably shortly after Easter.