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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 8. June 17, 1947

Pix Hurrell

Pix Hurrell

A Science student, Pix was at CUC, 1943-44, and VUC since. He helped to found the Swords Club in 1945 an has been club captain since then. President of the' Drama Club, he produced "Mr. Bolfrey" and "Private Lives" and has been in Extrav., 1945-46. He was assistant Procesh Controller, 1946 and Procesh Controller this year. Pix played for Rugby Football Club in 1945 and has been coach for the Junior B for the past two seasons.

He is an ex-serviceman and would like to see planned support by the Executive for all clubs on a more rational basis than in the past He would also support an immediate effort towards procuring the rest of the finance for the Students' Building.