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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

Moeraki, No. 2

page 235

Moeraki, No. 2.

The claims of Tare Wetere and others to this reserve were heard. Mr. Macassey Appeared for the opponents to the claims, Natives resident on the reserve.

Tare Wetere, Topi Patuki, Rora Hopera, Laura Aubrey, gave evidence in support of their claims. They claimed through their ancestors, who owned and lived on the land. Their opponents, who lived on the land when the reserves were made, were driven there by Rauperaha.

The opponents' case was, that the reserve was made for the resident Natives by Mr. Mantell, Mr. Mantell stated that he had done so; had calculated the area of the reserve according to a cen[gap — reason: illegible]ur taken by himself; and had given the map to Matiaha, one of the opponents.

The case for the claimants was dismissed, and costs allowed to the opponents.