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A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of New Zealand.



Ai, ad. Yes, Ay.

Ai, ad. In a point, place, or at a certain time.

A'ia, p. He (exists, or) is.

Aire, v. n. Walking, (from áere); as, “E aire ána te tangata; The man walks.” “E tángata aire; A walking man, or walker.”

Airenga, s. A walk.

Airenga tánga; A time of walking, or a journey.

Aire're; A walking about.

A'u, p. I. (for Ahau.)—See Grammar.

Au, s. Wind; also a whirlpool; also the proper name of a person.

Aua, ad. Do not, &c.

Aueháke, s. a. v. n.— s. The gathering, as of fruit, potatoes, &c. a. “Mea aueháke; A thing gathered.” v. n. Gathering; as, “E aueháke ána Napúi ki te kai; The people called Napúi are gathering, or taking up, potatoes &c.”

Auai, s. Name of a certain place.

Au Audu; South wind.

Au Audu ma Tónga; South-east wind.

Audu,s. Name of a shell-fish.

Aue; Soot; also the proper name of a person.

Au e A'u, v.n. A chipping with an adze &c. Proper name of a person.

Au e únga; Ice.

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Au ka nápa nápa; Name of a certain place.

Au kómingo; A whirlpool: proper name of a person.

Aumi, s. Joints at the head and stern of a canoe.

Aumumu, s. Silent person, who will not blab.

Aupa, s. A beating wind: proper name of a person.

Aupapa, s. Ice.

Au pá dúa; Name of a certain place.

Au páro; A long beating wind; also a proper name.

Auráhi, s. Dew.

Aurake, s. Name of a certain place; also the proper name of a person.

Aurake, s. A steady pace. u. n. Moving steadily; as, “E auraki ána koe; Thou art walking on apace.”

Auróro; A long wind; also the name of a place; from “E au róa róa.”

Au ta kídi; A scalped head: also the proper name of a person.

Aute, s. A play so called.

Au Tódu; A stone for bruising red ochre; also the proper name of a person.

Au Tóka; A slaughter upon a rock; also the proper name of a person.

Au Tóke; Winter.

Au Tukía; Killed with the wind; also the proper name of a person.

Au Wenúa; A land wind.