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Nga Ture O Niu Tireni: I Pahitia I Roto I Te Tau Wha Te Kau Ma Rima O Te Kuinitanga O Kuini Wikitoria, Me Te Nohoanga Tuatorutanga O Te Paremete Tuawhitu O Niu Tireni, I noho ki Poneke i timate i te rua te kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881.

of licensed premises and licensed persons. — Licenses

of licensed premises and licensed persons.

26. Subject to any special provisions contained in this Act, all the provisions All provisions of Act to apply equally in all districts. hereof shall apply throughout the colony in respect of all licensed persous or premises,
27. All licenses held at the commencement of this Act, and all licensed Present licenses subject to Act. persons and licensed premises holding or in respect of which a license is held at the aforesaid time, shall be under and subject to the provisions of this Act:

Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to exempt any such license from forfeiture for any cause for which the same may be forfeited under the Act or Ordinance under which the same was issued.

28. After the commencement of this Act— page 12
(1.)All licenses to be granted under Act. No licenae whatever authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquore shall be granted, transferred, or renewed by any pereon except under the provisions of this Act:
(2.)Raiiway-station licenses. Every license in force at the commencement of this Act granted by the Minister of Public Worka in respect of refreshment rooms at railway stations is hereby extended, and shall continue in force after the expiration thereof until the then next following period appointed for the renewals of licenses under this Act: Such licenses shall hence-forth be deemed to be publicans' licenses, subject to such special conditions in respect to the accommodation to be provided, the houre of keeping open, aud other mattera as the Licensing Committee in each case may think proper to impose:
(3.)Auctioneers, constables, and bailiffs not to hold license. No license shall be granted, renewed, or transferred, as hereinafter mentioned, to any person carrying on busincss as an auctioneer, or being in partnership with any one carrying on such business, or to any constable or bailiff; nor shall any license be granted, renewed, or transferred in respect of any house or premises of which any such peraon is owner or wherein he is directly or indirectly interested:
(4.)Spirit merehants not to be licensed under "Distillation Act, 1868." It shall not be necessary for any spint merchant to be registered, or take out a license under "The Distillation Act, 1868:"
(5.)Unmarried woman may hold license. Description of licenses. Nothing in this Act contained shall be held to prevent an unmarried woman from holding a license under the authority hereof.
29. Licenses may be granted under this Act of the several descriptions following, that is to say,—
(1.) Publicans' licenses;
(2.) New Zealand wine licenses;
(3.) Accommodation licenses;
(4.) Bottle licenses;
(5.) Packet licenses;
(6.) Wholesale licenses;
(7.)First Schedule. Conditional licenses.

Such licenses respectively shall be in such one of the forms in the First Schedule as shall be applicable, and shall, with the exception of the conditional license, be in force to the thirtieth day of June following the date of the license.

30. Effeet of publican's license. A publican's license shall authonze the licensee to sell and dispose of any liquor, in any quantity, on the premises therein specified, between the houre of six in the morning and ten at night.
31. Effect of New Zealand wine license. A New Zealand wine license shall authorize the licensee to sell and dispose of on the premises therein specified, between the hours of six in the morning and ten at night, any wine, cider, and perry the produce of fruit grown in the colony, of a strength not exceeding twenty per centum of proof spirit, in any quantity not exceeding two gallons at any one time to any one pereon: Provided that such licenses be granted in boroughs only.
32. Effeet of accommodation license. An accommodation license shall authorize the licensee to sell and dispose of any intoxicating liquor on the premises therein specified, and such license may be granted on the terms of repairing or keeping in repair any road or bridge in the vicinity of such premises, or providing good accommodation for travellers, or on such of the former or such other terms as the Licensing Committee shall think fit, including the payment of a fee of not exceeding twenty pounds, to be fixed by the Licensing Committee.

No accommodation license shall be granted in respect of any premises situate within five miles by public road of any other premises for which either a publican's license or an accommodation license has already been granted and is in force at the time of the hearing of the application for the license first above mentioned,

page 13
33. A bottle license shall authorize the licensee to sell and dispose of, on Effect of bottle license. the premises therein specified, but not elsewhere, any liquors iu bottles corked and sealed, capsuled or wired, of sizes of which six or twelve are usually reckoned to the gallon, aud not to be drunk in or upon the premises for which the license is grauted: Provided that not less than one bottle containing not less than a reputed quart shall be sold or disposed of at any one time to any one person:
Provided also that bottle licenses shall be issued only within such districts,Limited to particular districts. and in such parts thereof respectively, wherein on the day before the commencement of this Act the issue of such licenses was authorized by law.
34. A packet license shall authorize the master of the steam-packet or Effect of packet license. other vessel therein mentioned, beiug a vessel by which passengers are conveyed from any place within the colony or its dependencies to any other place within or beyond the colony, to sell aud dispose of liquor during her passage between such places to any passenger on board of such packet or vessel:

Provided that no license shall be necessary to authorize the granting of allowances of liquor to the crew of such packet or vessel.

35. A wholesale license shall authorize the licensee to sell and deliver Effect of wholesale license. liquors, in quantities of not less than two gallons to be delivered at any one time, such liquors not to be consumed in or upon the vendor's house or premises.
36. A conditional license shall authorize the licensee, being also the holder Effect of conditional license. Races, regattas, &c. of a publican's license, to sell and dispose of liquor at any fair, military encampment, races, regatta, rowing-mateh, cricket-ground, or other place of public amusement, for a period not exceeding, with any renewal or renewals thereof, seven days, subject to such restrictions and conditions as the persons granting the license shall think fit.
37. The Licensing Committee may, at auy annual or quarterly licensing!Midnight licenses. meeting,—
(1.) Grant to any holder of a publican's licenae, on payment of an additional fee of ten pounds, an extension of the time hereinbefore prescribed for the sale of liquors, until twelve o'clock at night, on being satisfied of its being for the benefit and convenience of the puhlic.

Such extension of license shall be granted by an indorsement on the certificate and license respectively.

(2.) Authorize any licensed publican to open and use ou his licensed Additional bars. premises more than one bar,

The number of bars in any licensed premises shall appear on the face of the license; and there shall be paid, in respect of every bar exceeding one in any licensed premises, a license fee at the rate of one-third of the fee payable for a publican's license.

An indorsement shall be made on the license in every case where more than one is authorized.

38. No publican's license shall be granted in respect of any Accommodation requtred. in public-houses within boroughs. house in any borough unless such house shall have a frout or principal entrance separate from and in addition to the entrance to the bar or to the place where liquors not to be drunk on the premises are sold, aud shall contain, for public accommodation, not less than six rooms, besides the billiard-room (if any) and the rooms occupied by the family of the applicant; nor unless such house is furnished with sufficient doors or facilities for escape therefrom in case of fire; and such house be provided with a place of convenience on the premises for the use of the public, and also, where neeessary, in the opinion of the Licensing Committee, with stabling sufficient for the accommodation of not less thau three horses,page 14
39. Requirements for house, &c., on cricket-ground, &c. Nothing in the last preceding section shall apply to any house or room or booth situated on a cricket-ground, or to any other place set apart for any lawful game or pastime.