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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 15, Issue 3 (June 1, 1940)

Too Tall, Too Thin

Too Tall, Too Thin.

You've met her, haven't you, the lean and lanky woman with the scraggy neck, the stooping shoulders (as if she's afraid doors won't take her 5ft. 8ins.) and the bony hands which hardly seem to belong at the ends of her thin arms.? She has an “ugly duckling” attitude towards life, and a permanently apologetic air.

Tell her to snap out of it! Her problem isn't nearly so difficult as that of her plump firned, for it's easier tto disguise lack of curves than to get rid of accentuated ones. Also, with fashions what they are at present, the thin woman should be smartest of the smart.

But before she starts on an orgy of clothes planning, tell her to take stock of herself, to study herself dispassionately in a mirror from every angle, trying to catch herself off guard. Does she notice the chin poke and the shoulder stoop? If she throws out her chest (what there is of it), holds up her head, and steps out with a swing, she'll lose that awkward unco-ordinated look, and, when she has the right clothes, she'll have line. A course of drill, or curythmics, or dancing, or even country walking, will help her tremendously—and probably improve her appetite!

How nice to be able to eat what she likes and as much as she likes, and to know that she won't get fat, But she may be able to fill out a few of the page 58 hollows, in cheeks and neck for instance, especially if she adds to good diet (dairy produce, cod liver oil, fruit and vegetables, sufficient proteins and starches) plenty of rest and avoidance of worry.

Now for clothes. For out-of-doors she should be chunky. The box coat, with padded shoulders and a comfortable high neck, is made for her, especially if it is carried out in a rough tweed. (Hairy, knobby and tufty effects should be her choice in woollens, blistered and matt surfaces in silks). All her jackets, for day or evening, should be of the same style. A slim skirt under such a jacket is very smart. So is a full flare, or pleats. Shoes, too, are chunky. So are hats—particularly must she avoid the upward line.

A rough tweed suit, with boxy jacket featuring high-neck closing, or wide lapels and a gay scarf, is made for her. An overblouse is better than a tuck-in one, for thin people so often haven't sufficient hips to manage a neat waist. Have shoulder interest on blouses and sweaters.

Because a woman is thin, she must not say, “Oh, anything fits me.” “Anything” doesn't! It hangs floppily, as on a scare-crow. The thin woman must have well-cut clothes.

For day frocks she will choose a high neckline, a full bodice and shoulder emphasis. If her hands are well-shaped, a long sleeve, fitting the fore-arm closely, is flattering.

For evening wear she is lucky again. There is no need to expose salt cellars and shoulder blades. If she is self-consious about her thin arms, she can wear long sleeves—definitely smart! Boleros, jackets, fur capes, are just right for the thin one.

Chunky accessories that the plump one covets, but avoids, are gladly collected by the thin one. Outsizes in hand-bags, she loves. She doesn't even mind shopping baskets. (I can even imagine her carrying home a cabbage without spoiling the tout ensemble!). She cuddles her hands into a fur muff-bag on cold days. She collects woolly gloves with deep gauntlets and in bright colours. She adores heavy gilt necklaces and bracelets, but wouldn't be seen dead in pendant ear-rings.

She varies her hair style to suit the occasion, but always there is a discreet bunching of hair at the sides in order to widen her face.

She's a very smart person, this thin girl of ours.