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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 11 (February 1, 1936)


This is the time of the year when we are planning the restoration of the contents of our store room, which has rather a pathetic appearance in comparison with its jaunty look in the winter. Of course we have made the usual gooseberry jam —appreciated at the beginning of the season, despised in the middle and appreciated again at the end. Blackcurrant, too, has its place on the shelves, for we think of the tasty tarts, roly poly, etc., that we are able to make with it, and our thoughts also jump to the winter months when a hot blackcurrant drink is gratefully taken when one is suffering from a chill. Raspberry and strawberry jam have their important places, for we are always proud of our strawberry, and whoever heard of a storeroom without a supply of raspberry jam.

Various kinds of jams, sauces, pickles, bottled fruits, etc., have to make their appearance, and here are some recipes which have been taken from a particularly fine selection: