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Whenua o te Katoa i Tongariro

Schedule. — Tongariro National Park

Tongariro National Park.


All that territory in the Counties of East Taupo, West Taupo, and Wanganui, containing by admeasurement 62,300 acres, more or less, comprehended within a circle around Trig. H on Ruapehu, having a radius of 4 miles from that point, together with the area comprehended within a circle having a radius of 3 miles from Trig. D on Ngauruhoe, together with so much of the area comprehended within a circle having a radius of 3 miles from a point on the line connecting Trigs. D and O (on Ngauruhoe and Te Mari), distant 2½ miles from D, as is not included in the circle around D; also that area 2 miles wide between the circles around H and D which is bisected by a line connecting those points.