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Whenua o te Katoa i Tongariro

A Bill Intituled

A Bill Intituled

An Act to authorise the Setting-apart of a certain Tract of Land Title. around and in the vicinity of the Tongariro Mountain as a National Park.

Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

1.The Short Title of this Act is "The Tongariro National Park Short Title. Act, 1893."
2.The Governor in Council, by Proclamation in the Gazette, On its cession by the Native owners, territory around Ruapehu and Tongariro to be proclaimed a national park. shall, so soon as the whole of the lands within the territory described in the Schedule hereto have been ceded to Her Majesty by the Native owners thereof, declare the same to be a national park under this Act, to be known as "The Tongariro National Park."
The said park shall be under the control of the Governor, Powers of administration by Governor. who may manage and administer all the lands therein.

All persons who shall locate or settle upon or occupy the same, or any part thereof, except as hereinafter provided, shall be considered trespassers and removed therefrom.

The Minister of Lands for the time being, the Surveyor-General, Trustees of Tongariro Park. the Director of the Geological Survey, together with such one of the chiefs of the Ngatituwharetoa Tribe of aboriginal natives, and such other person as the Governor shall appoint, are hereby constituted Trustees of the said park, and, for the purpose of the management thereof, are hereby invested with all the powers which the Governor is capable of delegating under "The Public Domains Act, 1881," to trustees of public domains for the management thereof.

The aforesaid Native chief and other person appointed as trustees by the Governor shall hold office as trustees for page 2the term of five years, subject that they respectively may at any time resign such office.

On the death or resignation by any Native chief or other nominated person of his office of Trustee, or on the expiry of the term of office of either of them, his successor to such office shall be appointed by the Governor, who shall respectively hold office for five years only, when a fresh nomination shall be made to the vacancy by the Governor.

Every successive nominated Trustee shall hold office for five years only, and may resign his office by letter to the Governor, who shall appoint his successor.

(2.)The Minister of Lands shall be the Chairman of the Board, and preside at all their meetings; but in case of his absence at any meeting the members of the Board present may from time to time nominate any member of the Board to be the Chairman thereof for such meeting.
5.The Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, or revoke any regulations which he may think necessary for the better administration of this Act and the management of the said park, and by such regulations may impose penalties for breaches thereof, not exceeding five pounds, and may prescribe such fees and tolls to be levied by the Board as he shall think necessary for the due administration of this Act.
6.The cost of administration of this Act shall be defrayed out of the penalties, fees, and tolls arising under this Act, together with the moneys accruing to the Board from time to time under "The Public Domains Act, 1881," supplemented by such moneys as may from time to time be appropriated for the purpose by Parliament.