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The Journal of Edward Ward 1850-51

Lyttelton From Quail Island — 'Port and Harbour of Lyttelton from the Residence of Hamilton Ward Esq., Quail Island.' From an artist's proof of Plate I in 'A Spring in the Canterbury Settlement'. The original sketch was drawn by W. Holmes in 1852. — Key: 1. Bridle Path to Plains; 2. Mt. Pleasant; 3. Godley Head; 4. Adderley Head; 5. Gollan's Bay; 6. Officer's Point; 7. Proposed line of Sumner Road; 8. Town of Lyttelton; 9. Dampier's Bay; 10. Quail Island

Lyttelton From Quail Island'Port and Harbour of Lyttelton from the Residence of Hamilton Ward Esq., Quail Island.' From an artist's proof of Plate I in 'A Spring in the Canterbury Settlement'. The original sketch was drawn by W. Holmes in 1852.Key: 1. Bridle Path to Plains; 2. Mt. Pleasant; 3. Godley Head; 4. Adderley Head; 5. Gollan's Bay; 6. Officer's Point; 7. Proposed line of Sumner Road; 8. Town of Lyttelton; 9. Dampier's Bay; 10. Quail Island.

Lyttelton From Quail Island
'Port and Harbour of Lyttelton from the Residence of Hamilton Ward Esq., Quail Island.' From an artist's proof of Plate I in 'A Spring in the Canterbury Settlement'. The original sketch was drawn by W. Holmes in 1852.
Key: 1. Bridle Path to Plains; 2. Mt. Pleasant; 3. Godley Head; 4. Adderley Head; 5. Gollan's Bay; 6. Officer's Point; 7. Proposed line of Sumner Road; 8. Town of Lyttelton; 9. Dampier's Bay; 10. Quail Island.