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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 10.

TAP DANCING Musical Comedy and Limbering Work. Classes now forming at the DOROTHY PARLETTE School of Dancing. STUDIO—39 LOWER CUBA STREET Top Floor—From 2 p.m. daily There is no cause for alarm at the recent loud noises which have resounded all over the College lately. Mr. Mcghie, we understand, has been announcing himself to freshers with impressive cclat

TAP DANCING Musical Comedy and Limbering Work. Classes now forming at the DOROTHY PARLETTE School of Dancing. STUDIO—39 LOWER CUBA STREET Top Floor—From 2 p.m. daily There is no cause for alarm at the recent loud noises which have resounded all over the College lately. Mr. Mcghie, we understand, has been announcing himself to freshers with impressive cclat.