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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1923

"Petone" ALL WOOL Red Cross "Hospital" Blanket. "Petone" N.Z. "HOSPITAL" N.Z. BLANKETS "Petone" ALL WOOL Red Cross "Hospital" Blanket. When buying Blankets, look for the above label, which ensures finest quality, full weight and full size. There are lower priced blankets, being smaller and lighter, but there is only one "Petone" Hospital Blanket which is without a rival

"Petone" ALL WOOL Red Cross "Hospital" Blanket. "Petone" N.Z. "HOSPITAL" N.Z. BLANKETS "Petone" ALL WOOL Red Cross "Hospital" Blanket. When buying Blankets, look for the above label, which ensures finest quality, full weight and full size. There are lower priced blankets, being smaller and lighter, but there is only one "Petone" Hospital Blanket which is without a rival.