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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

SRC Wed 12 noon Union Hall Agenda * Election of Treasurer * Election of Overseas Student Officer * Assessment grading * Motions for August Council. Last Thursday evening, a special Executive Meeting, the Association Executive and the 1980 Election Committee discussed at some length the problems associated with the motion passed at the last SRC: 168/79 That Caroline Massof be appointed Interim President until a Special Election is held; and that this election be held in conjunction with the elec…

SRC Wed 12 noon Union Hall Agenda * Election of Treasurer * Election of Overseas Student Officer * Assessment grading * Motions for August Council. Last Thursday evening, a special Executive Meeting, the Association Executive and the 1980 Election Committee discussed at some length the problems associated with the motion passed at the last SRC: 168/79 That Caroline Massof be appointed Interim President until a Special Election is held; and that this election be held in conjunction with the election of the 1980 executive. Carried. In the light of the complications brought forward, the following motion was put, and will be brought up in the business of the next Student Representative Council: Aikman / Underwood That the Executive notes: (a)the constitutional and policy difficulties raised by the 1980 Election Committee regarding the proposed simultaneous by-election for the vacant position of President. (SRC resolution 168/79.) (b)that the 1980 Election Committee requres that before acting as Election Commttee for the proposed by-election, a written opinion be obtained from the Association's solicitors certifying that the pr posed by-election is intra vires. And that the Executive bring these matters to SRC's attention at its next meeting on Wednesday 8th August nd in view of the information then available seek a decision from the SRC as to whether: (a) the proposed by-election should go ahea (b) SRC should rescind resolution 168/79 as exercise its powers nder Part 4 Sect ion 5 o the Constitution to appoint a President. And that the Executive recommend that in the event of SRC deciding to exercise its rig to appoint a President under Part 4, Section such appointment be made at the first SRC the third term, in order to allow that meeting to be fully publicised. Carried unanimously.