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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

EXEC ELECTIONS Applications for positions on the 1980 Executive of the Students' Association are now open. The positions available are: President Woman Vice-President Man Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Publications Officer Welfare Officer Sports Officer Cultural Affairs Officer SCR Co-ordinator Each position carries an honorarium. Applications will close Thursday 30 August at 4.30 pm and should be lodged in the box in the Students' Association office. Any application can be withdrawn 4.30 p…

EXEC ELECTIONS Applications for positions on the 1980 Executive of the Students' Association are now open. The positions available are: President Woman Vice-President Man Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Publications Officer Welfare Officer Sports Officer Cultural Affairs Officer SCR Co-ordinator Each position carries an honorarium. Applications will close Thursday 30 August at 4.30 pm and should be lodged in the box in the Students' Association office. Any application can be withdrawn 4.30 pm on Friday 31 August. Polling will take place on Wednesday 12 September and Thursday 13 September from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm. There will be a polling booth in the Wellington Clinical School at times to be arranged. Prospective candidates for the positions of Treasurer are reminded that Sections 22 and 23 of Schedule No 2 of the VUWSA Constitution require that candidates for Treasurer must have, as a minimum requirement, passed Stage 2 Accountancy. Further information on the positions is available from the Students' Association office and further information on the elections can be obtained from the Returning Officer. Anyone wishing to register an absentee vote should see the Returning Officer as soon as possible after all the candidates are known. Kelvin J. Ratnam. Returning Officer.