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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 2. 1964.

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! SPECTACULAR SELL-OUT SALE now ? Prints—Framed Pictures—Artist's Materials Empty Frame Oddments—Thames Hudson Art Books. at greatly reduced prices END-of-LEASE of our PRINT SHOP premises 24 WILLESTON ST. ? Further SALE selections at . . . 20 VICTORIA ST. GALLERY (next Kodak Bldg.)

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! SPECTACULAR SELL-OUT SALE now ? Prints—Framed Pictures—Artist's Materials Empty Frame Oddments—Thames Hudson Art Books. at greatly reduced prices END-of-LEASE of our PRINT SHOP premises 24 WILLESTON ST. ? Further SALE selections at . . . 20 VICTORIA ST. GALLERY (next Kodak Bldg.)