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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 4 (August 1, 1928)

Across the Tasman. — Photos, F. Cole, N.Z.R. — Top, from left: Suburban electric train, Melbourne. Electrified area of Melbourne Yard. — Bottom: Flinders St., Station Yard (from roof of Rly. Institute Building), Gembrook Railway—2ft. 6in. gauge

Across the Tasman. Photos, F. Cole, N.Z.R. Top, from left: Suburban electric train, Melbourne. Electrified area of Melbourne Yard. Bottom: Flinders St., Station Yard (from roof of Rly. Institute Building), Gembrook Railway—2ft. 6in. gauge.

Across the Tasman.
Photos, F. Cole, N.Z.R.
Top, from left: Suburban electric train, Melbourne. Electrified area of Melbourne Yard.
Bottom: Flinders St., Station Yard (from roof of Rly. Institute Building), Gembrook Railway—2ft. 6in. gauge.