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The Founders of Canterbury

Reigate, 25th May, 1849

Reigate, 25th May, 1849.

My Dear Godley,

—The Roebuck Debate strengthens my impressions in favour of going right ahead for "an Act for the Government of New Zealand." How I wish you could manage to come here tomorrow. Negotiation with the Office will only worry you to death. The other course would be our own; and I feel sure that the chances are greatly in favour of its success. You see, Grey leaves New Zealand out of his Australian plan: capital reason for a separate Act. The reasons for it are many, with not one against it. If you could get Stafford to bring in the Bill, we should carry it. But what I want to talk with you about, is all the means of going to work with effect. Roebuck should, be employed professionally to draw the Bill. If you and Adderley and I agree, we will drag everybody else along with us by determined and vigorous action.